Happy Monday! I am happy to be back at work and have the tooth implant behind me. I am still a bit sore but doing ok. Friday was a lost day…I even slept during the day after the procedure. Not very Kay-like! Sunday was a very sad day for me…..two of mother and daddy’s close friends both died in the morning. Mother was friends with Richard since they were about 4 years old. My dad was friends with Ben I know since high school. I am friends with all of their children~~ all 8. I am nicknamed Kay ( my real name is Sarah Katherine) after Ben’s wife Kay~~ daddy was crazy about her. I knew both were failing….but it really rocked my world on Sunday morning to know they were gone. It brought back a plethora of emotions about mother and daddy. I cried off and on all day. When I am upset I usually clean… but Sunday I gardened and cooked. Somehow cutting down small trees growing where they were not supposed to was therapy. By Sunday night I felt like I had been through a meat grinder. Today is a new day and the sun is shining. It is the circle of life~~~ I know this~~~ but it still REALLY hurt. Life is precious~~ tell your loved ones you LOVE them as often as you can!
Today is National Rescue Dog Day~~~ and as usual Tutu woke up happy as ever to still be a Genua dog. I don’t know who loves who more…..Tutu or me! She starts off my day with smiles and kisses and adds so much joy to my days every day. The Humane Society was having an adoption day in the parking lot at Pet Smart yesterday…..I did not even walk over….or I might have 10 dogs today. Tutu is an only child and likes it that way!
This is another short week with Memorial Day coming up next weekend. The Design District will close down on Friday for a long weekend. Many decisions have to be made this week on my commercial job who wants his office furnished by mid-July. I am taking him to Dallas to see some of the pieces in person on Thursday . Hoping all of my hard work will pay off and he will love my choices!
Have a super week leading up to the holiday weekend. Summer starts next week! Except for our hot weather summer is my favorite time of year. Going up to the pool is wonderful therapy for me…I actually slow down even though it is just for an hour. My happy place full of the laughter of young children splashing in the pool. I have been going to Rivercrest since I was 2 years old….it is like a home away from home and a constant. I do not have many pictures to share today…but wanted to get a blog in before next week. Have a great week and Memorial Day Weekend!
The Bark Box this month is darling! It is always a BIG day for Tutu!
Tutu guarding one of the new toys. This dog makes my heart melt!
A Happy Tutu on her daily walks. I have a silly song I made up…It’s my favorite time of day….Its the W A L K!
One of the things I made was my zuccini soup. I made up the recipe when I had my first tooth implant in 2013. It is basically 4 steamed zuccini ( steamed in chicken broth) put in a blender with 3 tbs of butter, 1 tbs garlic oil, 1/2-1 jalapeno ( depending on the heat you like), cracked pepper and seasoning salt. I add about 1/4 cup of half & half and a little white cheese ( about a hand full.) This is as good hot as it is cold.
I also made my cauliflower souffle. This is one head of cauliflower steamed in chicken broth until very tender. Once cooked I pour out the chicken broth and mash the cauliflower with a mashed potato masher. ( If there is another name for this instument I do not know it!) I add 4 tbs butter, 2 eggs beaten, seasoning salt, pepper, 1tbs half & half, 1 jalapeno, about 1/2 cup of the shredded cheese from Trader Joe’s that is half gruyere and half swiss I top it off with parmesan cheese. Bake on 375 for about 30 minutes until it browns on top. Sorry I do not measure when I cook…I kind of throw things in. So season as you go and keep tasting. I serve this cut into sqaures.
This is a treasured picture I have of daddy and Ben. Check out the white socks! I bet they are all having a grand reunion in heaven now!