Happy Monday! Wow!! The Solar Eclipse was amazing! I was invited to two parties in Dallas but decided to watch from here because everyone warned the traffic would be CRAZY!!! It is silly how I got glasses…. They were taste testing some Eclipse wine in Central Market two weeks ago and I bought 2 bottles. It turned out that with each purchase you got a free pair of glasses. I grabbed a third bottle so that I had three pairs of glasses on Friday so Riley & Harrison and I will will all have a pair . Tutu does not care about the eclipse so I was fine with my one pair :) I did have to give Tutu some meds….she started acting funny right before it all happened. We sat out in the parking lot together to watch….along with many of my work neighbors. Tutu sat on my left side before the total eclipse then wined a second and moved to my right when the sun started to peak out again. It got so dark that the lights came on in the parking lot….and the birds stopped singing! The paper said this is the first total eclipse that Fort Worth has witnessed since 1878~~~~~ WOW! I think my ancestors were here then! All in all an incredible experience!!!!!!
This weekend was beautiful and I had nothing on my plate except some gardening. I am proud to say that my “science experiment “ of seeing if my angel wing begonias will come back is working!!!!! I have leaves!!!! It has been satisfying to watch every day. My fern is also growing. I only lost one hosta plant on the side of the house….otherwise it has all come back and the hydrangeas are about to bloom. I am really loving watching all off this come back to life!
One of the major bonuses of losing weight is fitting into clothes that have been hiding out in the closet waiting to be loved again. Since I am a BIG lover of white clothes and Easter has passed….I am having fun seeing what fits me now that I have not worn in 4-5 years. Some of mother’s clothes that sort of fit me before are now fitting fine. She was SO tiny and had a huge collection of belts….many that were meant to be worn around the waist. I have been “shopping in my closet” and having a marvelous time! It dawned on me the other day that fashion and design are very much alike. Color & texture play a huge role in fashion and design. The addition of a belt to an outfit is like placing a new accessory in a room~~ it changes everything. Now that my “area” ~~~aka my stomach~~ is smaller I am tucking things in which opens up a lot of new possibilities of what I am putting together. Since many of these pieces have been dormant in my closet it is like having new clothes~~~ that I did not need to buy! Just as in my design work….I buy timeless pieces…not trendy. So my clothes never really go out of style. I pride myself in designing rooms that look just as fabulous in 10 years as they did when I installed the pieces. Now some fabrics get worn out….but my clients usually refresh still keeping the draperies and rugs. Just like floor moves at Bloomingdale’s and The Market made things feel fresh all over again……wearing clothes in a new way make them feel new again. Mother used to LOVE buying me clothes ….I would come home from work and she would proudly have new items displayed in my dressing room. I think of her EVERY day anyway….but the clothes especially touch my heart because I can remember when she bought them for me or when we bought them together especially on our yearly trip to New York. We would stay in Bergdorf Goodman almost all day! We had so much fun together!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been re-watching The Gilmore Girls on Netflix lately. The closeness of Lorelai and Rory remind me of how close mother and I always were.
I hope all of my readers had some sort of cool eclipse experience. I know it was different all over the country. Here is to a great week ahead!!!!!