Happy Thursday! It has been since November that I have written a blog due to yet ANOTHER firm suing me for pictures on my blog. This time it was a cartoon that I did screen shots of from the newspaper THAT I PAY FOR. My blog has now costs me over $20,000 in legal fees. It makes me SO sad ~~~~ because in my opinion I did not do anything wrong. This all started after covid …….and I think it is because magazines and newspapers are hurting. There are so many ways to get news and interior design images without paying for it. There was an expression I learned at Bloomingdale’s for merchandising~~~ to “double expose.” It meant having an item in two different places on the sales floor or in the store. In my blond opinion I was “double exposing” the images that I had in my blog…..I was sharing things that I love with my readers. I was not profiting off of the images in any way. I have taken all of my old blogs down….with tears streaming down my face…. To prevent any future law suits. I was truly scared the images of the songs I liked from my iTunes would be next. I am going to write from time to time and keep the blog alive~~~ and I TRULY appreciate my readers who have reached out to me to see if I am ok! I am doing fine! I was released from my oncologists in January which made me want to do summer-salts down Camp Bowie!!! I have now lost 12 pounds….all of the weight the tamoxifen made me gain plus a little more. I gave up carbs and sugar again even though I have really been eating this way since 2014~~~ but this time I gave up eating any and all in between meals. It took 6 weeks for the weight to start falling off….but once it started it came off slowly but steadily. It is SO much fun to fit into some clothes that did not fit! Yes you can lose weight in your 60s…..it is just a little slower.
Thanksgiving and Christmas were wonderful with my family. I cannot believe that I have not written since before Thanksgiving! Easter is this weekend and once again we will keep out tradition of eating at Rivercrest. I am looking forward to seeing my nieces and their husbands!
I traveled to San Diego for the first time to see the house I have been working on in January. We stayed in a boutique hotel in the downtown area and had a great time. The trip was planned for me “to put a bow” on the rooms I have been working on…..which did not happen because all of the furniture had not arrived. I still got to see the house in person and measure for some future items to help make the home complete.
Spring is blooming outside which always makes me so happy. I adore spring!!!! I have tried an experiment this year with babying my ferns and my begonias taking them in and out of the garage through the winter. When I thought the freezing spells were done I took all out of the garage and trimmed off all of the dead pieces . The ferns are sprouting new fronds and the begonias are starting to come back. Now this is not instant beauty gratification like in the past….and I have bought a few new ferns , geraniums, and petunias ( I am trying them out after seeing them at a client’s house. I looked them up and they withstand the heat.) If this new experiment does not work….at least I tried! But if it works…..yippee!!! Think of all of the money I will be saving!!!!!!!! I will report back.
I hope all of my readers have a wonderful Easter weekend. I am wearing a dress that has not fit in years. I am MOST excited!!!!!! I am wearing some Emilio Pucci shoes with it that I also have not worn in years….everything old is new again! Shopping in your closet can be great fun! Take care all~~~~ I will write again soon!